Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's Not About Me

"South Florida is mean."

I hear that from people all the time. Of course, there is an element of truth to it, or people wouldn't say it so often. When Amber and I moved to Jupiter in 2001 from Gainesville, we had serious culture shock...and Amber grew up here! It took us several years to grow roots; to find relationships that mattered and connected us deeper than a job or family could. Now we have people around us that have grown to love this place and see the beauty that's really here. But it takes some work...and some dying to yourself.

Musicians and athletes have been a big part of my life. It's easy to pick out the superstars, but as I get older I find myself gravitating towards the ones who are more than their talent. I watched a concert by Donovan Frankenreiter last night. For the encore he said to the crowd, "Let's have a party on stage!" Instead of the normal "bust out a last song and then leave the stage" routine, the concert ended with a mass of people singing, giving him hugs and taking photos. This is not normal for typical prima donna musicians. That dude just exudes life...and it's contagious.

I think the key to changing an atmosphere of "meanness" is to choose to love. To really love, I have to give up my agenda. I can't be a prima donna. It's not about me. Making that choice seems so simple, but it can be so hard. Part of our desire for Pro Co is that it becomes a community where love can be expressed through our art and lives. I think if we're serious - and willing to die to ourselves a bit - we can spread some love around and have a lot of fun in the process!